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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Mar 10, 2023 6:35 pm

I am finding doing certain things that I am improving Physically. Not so Much raw strength, But I am doing things that help Me recover in the Raw Strength Department. Such as I have a Goal to be able to do a Hundred Pushups. But's let us all admit the fact, the reality that anyone can do a Hundred Pushups. That is not inless You are some sort of Fat Obese Slob. But any person with an average physique can rip off 100 Push-ups. Well why Yes I have been able to do 100 Pushups. I strive to do a Hundred Pushups with My Back straight, and remain in control of My Body as I do the Pushups.

Then there are other things that I can use as a gauge so that I have a way of Measuring My Progress. Activities such as buttoning the Shirt sleeve Cuff on My Right Shirt Cuff.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:27 pm

. Email -
- OK what I am hopping is that someone will be able to help Me with My Quest to procure, to Buy a small Travel Trailer. I imagine that maybe I might be able to locate a used, not to used Travel trailer. A small Travel Trailer. You see Every Predator Pilot needs a Roost, a Mobil Roost would e optimal.

Anyways please contact Me if any of You might have useful information, or possibly a lead o a Trailer that i Could Purchase. Here is My Name, E-Mail address and My My Phone Number; Chris McKeon; CCMCK@GOLDSTATE.NET 925-497-1059.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:27 pm

. Email -
- OK what I am hopping is that someone will be able to help Me with My Quest to procure, to Buy a small Travel Trailer. I imagine that maybe I might be able to locate a used, not to used Travel trailer. A small Travel Trailer. You see Every Predator Pilot needs a Roost, a Mobil Roost would e optimal.

Anyways please contact Me if any of You might have useful information, or possibly a lead o a Trailer that i Could Purchase. Here is My Name, E-Mail address and My My Phone Number; Chris McKeon; CCMCK@GOLDSTATE.NET 925-497-1059.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:31 pm

By the way. I live in Brentwood California which is located in the San Francisco East Bay Area.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:53 pm

OK I have a thing that a Person can do in ordER so that You can Lower Your Glucose number By oh saw Forty six Points in My case. All You need to do is; You need a little Time, oh say 6 0 7 Hours how much time that I allowed Myself Yesterday. The other thing You should do is eat this. Presto Your Glucose comes crashing down. Now if I can just be able to hit the Magic, Perfect Glucose number of Eighty Five a every single Morning.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:21 pm

Ok look. I have a couple of direct Questions for You Guys regarding You Guys Flying HG's. I have made as if the type of flying Cross Country is either responded with either a negative response or utter silence. What I would like to know is; Is Cross Country Flying, is not embraced Positively. is the non Participation in Flying Your Gliders Cross Country.. Is this seeming near total of response to My Queries regarding flying an XC routes this a common Idea? Is it a common Thought. and Feeling?" Or is it Universal. I realize that what will say, will either summon a negative response, or worse than that. No response. Up here in Northern California Man of Us would learn to fly by; Having our very first Flying experiences where would during our Frist flights Fly off a Training Hill. Then many of Us would then transition to doingt Soaring of a Costal Cliff Site, where We would become proficient at Launching, soaring the Ridge making Pass after Pass along the ridge. Well then as we gained More Experience in Flying Our Gliders. Some of would shift into Flying Cross Country from an inland site. I have said this before. A Glider Flies absolutely the same while Flying over the Ground along an Cross Country Route. Or if the Glider is Flying over where the Glider Flw while flying over the ground where it had launched from, this is true on a Given Day.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:21 pm

Ok look. I have a couple of direct Questions for You Guys regarding You Guys Flying HG's. I have made as if the type of flying Cross Country is either responded with either a negative response or utter silence. What I would like to know is; Is Cross Country Flying, is not embraced Positively. is the non Participation in Flying Your Gliders Cross Country.. Is this seeming near total of response to My Queries regarding flying an XC routes this a common Idea? Is it a common Thought. and Feeling?" Or is it Universal. I realize that what will say, will either summon a negative response, or worse than that. No response. Up here in Northern California Man of Us would learn to fly by; Having our very first Flying experiences where would during our Frist flights Fly off a Training Hill. Then many of Us would then transition to doingt Soaring of a Costal Cliff Site, where We would become proficient at Launching, soaring the Ridge making Pass after Pass along the ridge. Well then as we gained More Experience in Flying Our Gliders. Some of would shift into Flying Cross Country from an inland site. I have said this before. A Glider Flies absolutely the same while Flying over the Ground along an Cross Country Route. Or if the Glider is Flying over where the Glider Flw while flying over the ground where it had launched from, this is true on a Given Day.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:47 am

If This almost 6' 4" tall Man, actually i stand right at 6' 3 and 3/4" tall. Well if I can loose % more of My Body weight. I will be weing in the upper One Hundred Eighties.

i need to get Flying once again. Then go back on the; {POUND DIET}
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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:48 am

If This almost 6' 4" tall Man, actually i stand right at 6' 3 and 3/4" tall. Well if I can loose % more of My Body weight. I will be weing in the upper One Hundred Eighties.

i need to get Flying once again. Then go back on the; {POUND DIET}
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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:07 am

I have a Question; mY Question is for all of You People who live in San Diego: i have not Flown My Predator in Thirteen Years. By the Yes I am hopping to Fly My incredible Hang Glider Hang Glider, My Predator again, and again, and again. So if Were to relocate down to San Diego. Where I PUECHASED a Piece of Property. As a Land owmer. I would hae by getting established aa a Property Owner, A Law abiding Citizen of San Diego. One of Many who the Cities Fire Employes, the Police employes, all the local politicians would after learning that I would have become One of the {OWNERS OF SAN DIEGO}. So I want to get this rite. if I were to go to Torrey Pines to do; Oh I do not know? Heck I might want to take a walk on the Beach, or maybe I would like to Fly My Predator, Play with say My Son that is if I had one. So I am just having such a hard time wrapping My head around this truly warped Reality that You Guys have going on down there. Do I would have to Pay a Concession, Do I have to Pay Money to a Crooked Tyrant who Operates an Business. I mean how did this become Lawful? I have been in a Daze for thirteen years. But come on I find this is just ubreal! i mean You Guys have some Local Yokels Who must have bribbed Your Local Politicians to set-up an "WE WILL SCREW OUR OWNER" Agenda where a few Crooks can operate an Fraudulent"CONCESSION" that was put in place by crooked corrupt Politicians'. and inforced By [YOUR LAW ENFORCEMENT] I

I mean is this for Real/ Or am I all Wet? Or Or is My understanding incorrect?
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