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Site regulation Sierra Nevada Style

Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Jan 24, 2024 7:29 pm

To Fly, first We must find somewhere to Launch from. I for one love unregulated launches. I mean I simply love to Go up to a site such as Wolf's Peak. For it would be doubtful that You would come across another Person there. But if You did, there would not be some Joker running a Comision, making Money charging Pilots a Commission for allowing Pilots Permision so that the Pilots could Fly. If You did run across another Person, Doubtful that You Would run across another Person up there. I have only Launched from Wolfs Peak Three Times. Not unless You took a drilling and had to mediately Land, there is not a Problem Landing. For Wolf's Peak Like almost all the Sites in the Sierra Nevada is a cross Country Site. If You were to see someone up at Wolf's Peak. I bet if You asked them if the site was regulated by USHPA? I Emagine the response would be something Lije: Regulated, USHPA. What, Who?
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Re: Site regulation Sierra Nevada Style

Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:58 pm

I find Myself thinking of what else should I think about? I have been thinking about Flights that I have had at a couple of Sites up at the Sierras Sites such as Cloud Buster, and Sonora Pass. I believe that Pretty Much any site that a Pilot Launches from up along the Sierra Mountains a Pilot Providing that They have chosen the Rite Day to Fly will Be rewarded with Great Flights where The Pilot will Get High and then can Go Far. The way I see y Self. As I continually seem to get Better. Yes I am all the time getting back to being My Pre Pond-AB Normal self.
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Re: Site regulation Sierra Nevada Style

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Feb 01, 2024 5:01 pm

OK I will Comment a little more regarding sites up in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. There are numerous Launches up in the Sierra's. I have just commented on One Site that is a great Place to Launch, the Launch is called Wolf's Peak. It is cool that Bob has showed interest in going up too Wolfs Peak with Me, after I have begun to Fly again, I am concerned though that Bob will not know what to do with Himself. For there will be No one up there to give Him a hard time. I personally love Wolfs Peak, and other Sites that are located up on the Serria <mountain Range. There are numerous un-regulated sites up in the Sierra's, we will have what happens when We go up there and Fly. It seems to have been True every time that I have Launched and Flown up in the Sierras. I had High adventure up in the High Sierras.
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Re: Site regulation Sierra Nevada Style

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Feb 22, 2024 8:53 pm

Well, here I am putting up another TBI, Predator Post. OK cut Me some slack for 14 Years ago I had an unrecoverable Injury. That Injury was a TBI. If You study TBI's You will Find that currently, and almost for sure there is no future recovery from a Person having had a TBI. But then again, remember that I did indeed have a Traumatic Brain Injury. So, for those of You Who have an undamaged Brain. Well, those of You who have not had a TBI. You should not read what I have Typed.

In spite of My TBI Brain Damaged ramblings. I still maintain hope of regaining My Former "Abnormal Self". Please take note. For Me being Abnormal, Abnormal. is My "Normal".

TBI Flying Thoughts:

Ok I really do not know when I will Fly again. I do not know if I will finally get Myself down to Dockweiler to do some Goon-Duning during the last Days of July. But heck I am thinking about it. I know that Bob is most likely thinking to Himself something such as Yea "I will believe it when I see it".

Speaking of Bob. I have talked to Bob about Flying Wolf's Peak, and Bob has showed interest in going up to Wolf's Peak. Where He could Fly His Glider. I am worried though about Bob venturing too far from His known Established Costal sites. Sites such as Dockweiler, and Torrey Pines. For the fact that Ther is not a private commission that Manages the site for Profit. There will not be a Person rooting around trying to Milk Pilots out of their Money, or to control Who launches from the site Due to the Power of USHGPA Organization. I can just see it now; Bob stumbling around all upset and dismayed that there will be no one to hassle Him. Heck If it is Like it was when Scott Hueber and I were there when Scott and I Launched from Wolf's Peak Launch. So, this time it very well Might be that There will be no one else there. Sorry Bob, you will be on Your own.
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Re: Site regulation Sierra Nevada Style

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:17 am

OK I am on the Cusp of when I return to Free-Flight. What an appropriate Term, Free Flight. For when I - We Fly We feel free. When I used to head up to say Cloud Buster or Wolf's Peak. I felt Freer and Freer the higher that We Would get up to launch, The Freer that I always felt. When and if Bob ever gets up to the Sierra's Where one can truly be Free. I do not know how Bob Will deal with all that Free - Flight Freedom.
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Re: Site regulation Sierra Nevada Style

Postby Chris McKeon » Tue May 28, 2024 11:15 am

So here am typing With of My hands. Anyways I am thinking about Flying. See now being that I have not Flown in Fourteen Years, Four Months. I have as an Aviation outlet. I Can think about Flying. Heck I can Dream Can't I? Yes, we all Dream about Flight Correct? In spite of the fact that when I Pounded My Predator into the Ground 14 Years ago. I still dream of Flying. As to when I actually Fly. there is no type of Flight that has Me Questioning doing. Launching and Landing. flying flat and Leval, Steep Banked Turns, Aerobatics: 180 Degree Wing Overs, Flying X/C. No, I am not Worried about any type of Flying doing anything that I just listed. But there is an area of flight where I have lost a number of Friends. Please take Note: I have never lost a Pilot Friend due to having a mishap while Flying XC, Or Aerobatics. But while Flying at Their local sites. I have a couple of Dead Friends. So, you can Bet if and When I resume Flying. If I find Myself Flying in traffic. at say some local Flying site. My head will be a looking very carefully for any possible Mid-Air. Hang Gliders are after all. They are Aircraft not Bumper Cars.

Not a real Problem up in Nevada, Mid-Airs.
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Re: Site regulation Sierra Nevada Style

Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:34 pm

I just keep posting about how Great up in the Sierra's is for Pilots who want to experience being able to launch their Gliders without being hassled by some Money-grubbing organization, or by USPA. Bob I am telling You; you will so thoroughly enjoy being able to Setup Your Glider and launch. Without being hassled like You have been at Torrey Pines. Also, USHGPA's ability to be a dissuading, instrument of being able to prevent You from launching will not exist. So, Bob please tell Me that You want to go and fly up at the Sierras. Where You Will be free.
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Re: Site regulation Sierra Nevada Style

Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Aug 14, 2024 1:20 pm

Ok, Ok, I get it. I mean I have seen the sheer lack of Posts depicting where Pilots Having taken Cross Country Flights. I mean I get it, there is a massive lack of interest in Flying XC by Pilots here on the Us Hawks Website. I would have to be some Pathetic Brain Injured Individual to not get it: Here I am, just hoping to just be able to take Flight again. Where I will take My First Flight in over 14 Years, matters not. What will Matter to Me that I will be up in the Air our Happy Place. Yes, I will do even if I only Fly for oh, I do not know? Say I will only have a Flight that lasts Fifty Feet. What will Matter to Me is that I will be up in the Air Flying.


As HG Pilot, the first time that I went up to the Sierra Mountains to Fly. I was with My Friend KM. We went to a Flying site where We launched and immersed ourselves into an Aviation Adventure. Up in the Sierras, it is a Flying experience where You can pretty much do anything that A Pilot chooses to do. I do believe that when Bob and I finally get ourselves up to a Sierra Mountain Flying site such as We have been discussing going to Cloud Buster. I worry that Bob might experience a strong sense of being at the {Wrong Place to begin His Flight, His Launch. For this site will be so unfamiliar to Bob. No, there is no Local Organization that controls who launches from the Launch suite. No Self-Proclaimed Operator of the Launch, such as there is down at Torrey Pines to deal with. No, there is no one that will refuse Bob to be able to Launch. There never was someone Who Concocted up rules that Pilots had to Obey in order to be allowed to Launch. I for One hope that there never is as is the case down in Southern California. I hope that there will never be an Concession such as there is in Southern California Who has the Local Police in their Back Pocket.

For Flying is not about Control, and being able to Flees Pilots out of Their Money.

Flying Hang Gliders is about Freedom. It is called Free-Flight for a reason,

Good By Chris M.
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Re: Site regulation Sierra Nevada Style

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Aug 15, 2024 9:28 pm

Sorry Bob: I know that this is somewhat Off Topic, being that The Sierras are a long way away from Sonoma County. Ah Heck know how to get this story to end being On-Subject. I cn Launchh from the Coast, and land up on the Sierras.

OK this Post is a difficult Post to Type out, while at the same time, it is quite pleasurable to type. For first and Foremost I cannot say if II will really ever Fly again. I mean I must take a hard look at My current reality. For I am a Pilot Who Fourteen Years ago did a Pounding a Pounding that in terms of damaging My Body. Well, that Pounding came up Short regarding causing the ending of My LIFE, but Heck I came Close, So Close to Dying.

Anyways still I think about Flying pretty much all the time. So, I try to keep improving both Physically and Mentally. I need to be Prepared for the day when I hopefully will have the opportunity to once again take Flight. To date, I have not had the opportunity to Fly. But here I am: {A Predator Pilot with a Plan}. Yes', John is Planning on coming up here towards the end of this Month, Yea Baby. Ywa Baby!
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Re: Site regulation Sierra Nevada Style

Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:58 pm

Man, I remember way back when I first drove up to one of oh so cool Sierra Nevada Launch sites. Cloud Buster it was. Up there in the Sierras one cannot feel as if you are free. The day will hopefully come when I will be able to launch My Predator again from One of those great launches. Then the adventure will commence.

But currently, I have to continue working on My Body. I could not Fly My Predator rite now, even if I was up to speed. I should not Fly My Predator. besides John needs to perform a IIRAN on My Predator. them Test Fly it.

I am weighing rite around Two Hundred Pounds. Well, I am either a Pound or Two less than Two Hundred Pounds, Or a Pound or two over Two Hundred Pounds. These Days in the Words of Mark Lilledahl" "I am a Two Hundred Pound Pilot". By the way a Pilot Who weighs Two Hundred pounds, is a light Pilot on a 158 Predator. Being Lite while Flying My 158 Predator will be a New Sensation for Me. I cannot wait!
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