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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Nov 21, 2024 3:35 pm

Dear Chopper Girl:

I am a HG Pilot, who flew HG'S FOR oh about twenty YEARS. i have not flown since TWO thousand Ten. But I have tried to keep aware of things i the Flying Worl. One thing that BEING THAT YOU ARE a Woman, is that why i s it that More Women choose not to Fly HG's? I mean they can and have Flown HG's Quite qwll I want to say./ Whet's your take on this situation?
Chris McKeon
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby choppergirl » Sun Nov 24, 2024 3:40 pm

Well, I'm in Georgia, and it's as flat as a board here (except Stone Mountain). Most of the rest of the Southern United States as well. That's one reason (I can't hang glide).
The other reason is, there seems to be no after market supply at all for reasonably priced used hang gliders for someone to buy and get into the hobby.

I've been told by Bob that the old school weight shift control Rogallo ones from the 70's that I might on a slim chance in hell find for cheap pulled out ragged out of someone's garage... are now considered dangerous as h377... so... that option is out. And I've lost interest in restoring my motor glider too... (http://dorothy.air-war.org/) because... believe it or not, I hate to sew.

I could fix everything on it up until the last point where I have to cut out a pattern and cover it in dacron (dacron is not cheap), sew it up, and then spray it with Stitts lung rot respiratory chemical cocktail dope... or thinned latex paint... or whatever... and I would be like... yeah... I'm not doing that. Because I know during or after I get it all finished, at some point moving the whole unwieldly 38ft wing around, I'm going to punch a hole right through it and be pissed! I don't recover well from getting pissed... I'd rather not experience that level of upsetness any more if I have to.

It's just so much easier to fire up a simulator. Plus, I don't think there are really and good dedicated hang glider simulators. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm sure you can find a hang glider model for something like Microsoft Flight Sim... but it's not purpose built to teach you how to search out and find ridge lift... I doubt it has any kind of Variometer in the sim beyond an aircraft black dial climb indicator.

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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Nov 24, 2024 4:54 pm

It is just that here I sit Pining. YES, I did say Pining. For due to Factors, aspects of My last Flight. Actions that were indeed in My Control I did a Pond in to Die For. It is questionable if I will ever Fly again. But I hope, yes there is hope.

So I do hat else with My time? I think about Flying. I think about the Women that I know, and all the Women Who simply do not care to Fly. I mean I have Met Women Who are smoking Hot Pilots, Women like Tammy B, and Kari-K. So, the reason why there are not more Women Pilots is certainly not that believe that They could not do it, Do It: Meaning Fly a HG.

Chopper Girl. You are obviously a Woman. What is Your take on this Issue: {Women Who care not to Fly/
Chris McKeon
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby dhmartens » Sun Nov 24, 2024 9:31 pm

I have my credit card receipt of attending windsports training at their Van Nuys training facility in September 1999 so that makes me the most senior member so I WILL take control.
But my girlfriend can restrict my flying and shga removed thousands of my posts including this one:
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby choppergirl » Tue Nov 26, 2024 6:31 pm

I do the next best thing to flying, I ride my motorcycles....
they are shiny, they fetch my groceries for me every two weeks, and they continue to work even though I terribly neglect the maintenance on them.

Happy Thanksgiving :-)
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby JoeF » Tue Nov 26, 2024 9:06 pm

I could not find you in the depths of those two videos except abstractly ...
Discussion of the Term "Chopper"

In Motorcycles:
A "chopper" refers to a heavily customized motorcycle with distinct features like extended forks, minimalist designs, and custom frames. It emerged in the 1960s and became symbolic of freedom and rebellion, often depicted in movies like Easy Rider.

In Helicopters:
"Chopper" also refers to helicopters, known for vertical takeoff, hovering, and versatile uses like rescue, military, and civilian operations. Their cultural significance is evident in films like Black Hawk Down.


Choppergirl Airwar

Choppergirl is an active YouTuber sharing content on aviation and personal perspectives, including hang gliding and ultralight aircraft. You can check out her work on Choppergirl Airwar YouTube.

Join a National Hang Gliding Organization: US Hawks at ushawks.org

View pilots' hang gliding rating at: US Hang Gliding Rating System
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby dhmartens » Wed Nov 27, 2024 10:52 pm

Yes I lived in Igstadt Germany 1973-1974 as my father was a Colonel and we had to deal with UFos and communists.
My father was going through a divorce and he needed naps so he let me perform his correspondance courses with the US army.
The alien bodies I saw photos were mutated chinese grays.
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby choppergirl » Thu Nov 28, 2024 6:11 pm

Chopper in my name refers to helicopters... namely, the Blackhawk and the Huey

I do drive motorcycles, but cruisers. Not a fan of choppers and those long forks, but I do happen to like their big front wheels... so one of my cruisers, a Honda Shadow Spirit, has a big sexy spoked front Chopper Wheel. Off the top of my head, I think 21 inches. This particular one:


But I just bought a Black Shadow Aero this week. I made a heavy duty ramp today, to be able to load it onto my trailer.
As soon as the guy gets back to me with an address and a time, I'll have to make a quest and a roadtrip to pick it up...

One of those they got to sacrifice it deals too good you just can't say no to...
I don't think he's mechanically, though, it has the same exactly factory recall problems mine did,
and the fixes I did after I figured out what was going on... cost me only $30 in daftly easy to bolt on swap out ebay parts...

Garage kept, low miles, he added a lot of nice after market parts with a very Skull & Crossbone theme...
I name all my motorcycles after Disney Princesses, so since this is a total sleeper deal, I'm naming it Sleeping Beauty
But first, before we pick it up, we make a motivational video to motivate me to follow through make the quest, and we par-ty!

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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby dhmartens » Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:12 pm

I am thinking of selling and converting to an atos glider.
I threatened an Indian national at the liquor store with a concealed carry hand gun possibility in the future because his government propping up the Russian Ruble.

Notice there are no tarrifs proposed against Europe.
I paid $53 for an organic turkey but you can pick out our own free range goose for free.

Happy Thanksgiving despite those we lost this year. Alexandria age 30 in a car accident MAy 2024.
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby dhmartens » Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:02 pm

I am thankful even though Lexi Quinn, a loved one was killed in a head on car accident in New York May 2024. This year was underfunded but next year looks to see disposable income increase 400%. SHGA refuses to bill me for my membership or hangglider storage so they will likely auction my glider even thoughh Winsports agreed to buy it back.

2025 could be the year the Sylmar Stargate is released
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