...be careful what you ask for...

So when you're bored of all other threads,
pop in here to watch the mad barnstorming aerial dance of Dysnomia,
the Goddess of Absolute Freedom, Anarchy, Aerobatic Dance, and Air War...

The universe finds itself created alone.
To understand what it is, it turns inward,
to know and see itself, and that is the purpose of life.
You are those eyes, and your mind is how you the universe struggles to see itself in ever more expanding ways.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/CHOPPERGIRL/videos/?sub_confirmation=1
How did I ended up on USHawks? Dorothy, Choppergirl's 1981 Volmer Jensen VJ-24w Motorglider: http://dorothy.air-war.org/
Choppergirl On UsHawks: https://ushawks.org/forum/search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&keywords=choppergirl&start=20
Proudly banned by EAA, HomeBuiltAirplanes, Facebook, and few stodgy clueless RC airplane forums.. oddly, for the most innoculous posts... not for being...
too non-conformist and controversially interesting. Who knows, who cares, not me

Ironically, the most popular thread on HomeBuiltAirplanes: https://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/threads/crashes-in-the-news-thread.25303/