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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby choppergirl » Tue Dec 31, 2024 10:04 pm

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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed Jan 01, 2025 3:02 am

Happy New Year 2025!!
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby Craig Muhonen » Fri Jan 03, 2025 12:33 pm

:salute: :salute: :salute:

Just for fun and because music is important, just thought I'd add this, and it would be a good time for President Donald Trump to write a beautiful executive order to;



:salute: :salute: :salute:
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Fri Jan 03, 2025 1:42 pm

Hi Craig,

There's so much wrong with that video that it destroys any credibility that it might otherwise have. For example:

  • 432 years?
  • Pyramid sizes?
  • Long cubits?
  • Feet in a mile?
  • Love frequency?
  • Man made frequency?
  • The universe is made of water?

As just one example, all these magical "frequencies" are measured in cycles per second. So who made the second into a magical number? The second is something that people made up when they decided it would be convenient to divide the earth's rotation into 24 sections called "hours" (why 24?). And for some reason, they decided that each of those hours should be divided into 60 parts called "minutes" and each of those into 60 parts called "seconds" (why 60?). What if they had chosen 50 "seconds" in a "minute" or 16 "hours" in a day. All of those frequencies would have different numbers. In other words, any relationship between frequency (cycles per second) and any other numbers (like Pi, feet in a mile, measurements of pyramids and so on) is totally arbitrary. Pick a different set of units (metric system, for example), or a different number system (binary, octal, hex), and almost all of these "magical" relationships vanish. There can be no magical mystical power in any of those numbers since they are arbitrary. And why do frequencies have to be whole numbers? Why would 432 or 439 be magical and not 431.796 and 439.865? Did we get lucky and somehow pick the only possible magical duration for a "second"?

So in my opinion, that video is riddled with so much hogwash that I wouldn't trust a single thing in it. I'll leave it at that for now.
Join a National Hang Gliding Organization: US Hawks at ushawks.org
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby Craig Muhonen » Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:59 pm

:salute: :salute: :salute:

Biased Video aside, you make some good points, but it is a well edited and put together video, but harmonics not talked about, is the key. Harmonics is fully connected. In an experiment, eight perfect 432 tuning forks are 2" apart standing straight up, stuck in wood, the first fork is struck and then held. the other 7 forks started resonating, and you could see the progression of sound one after the other. Same experiment except with 8 perfect 440 tuning forks, struck the same. and only 5 forks were 1,2,3,4,5 responding/resonating. I guess in very basic terms it shows powerful resonance and harmony as opposed to, not so powerful and a "click", off and can't transfer as well. I think the ancients understood geometrics, relationships and the meaning of the patterns of numbers they saw. If you just look at a few numbers, and add them, 432=4+3+2=9, the Earth resonance is 8, an octave, multiply 432 x 8 and get 3,456 which is 3+4+5+6=18 and 1+8=9, 9 being the controlling number in Ancient Myth and Nicola Tesla's 369 Vortex math theory, tested at great lengths and is quite objective.
I still think it would be a hoot if Trump would actually do this "beautiful" executive order, and MAKE PEOPLE THINK.
In the first hour of sleep if you have A-432Hz on, Your sleep will be better. and you will wake up with more positive thoughts and it sort of, "reprogramed". Other good wavelengths to bathe yourself with, are the 600 to 800 range N-Red Light.
Go to sleep with A-440Hz on, after "blue light" and auto tuning (a PSYOP't tool ), during the day from screens, and you wake up not knowing with the same program. Sorta like USHPA. ha.

:salute: :salute: :salute:
Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby choppergirl » Fri Jan 03, 2025 7:03 pm


Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a modem LED was blinking, not even my RGB mouse.

When in my fever pitched dream there arose such a Kodachrome splatter
I popped open wide my eyes, thinking, what could be the matter!

Before me dressed as Santa, in the moon filled window, the ghost of Bob Kuczewski did appear,
and in my still fresh dreamy state, did he he utter, and did I hear....

Tora tora tora!
Pappy Boyington!
ABBA! Dr Seuss...!
Did I bore ya!?!!!!

Before I could say W T F!, he sprang out the window, and to his hang glider...
he did fly...

I scrambled to my computer, and let out a sigh...


What the heck am I suppose to make...

out of such nonsense words...

for ya!

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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby dhmartens » Wed Jan 15, 2025 9:38 pm

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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby dhmartens » Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:04 pm

Seconds ago: We are declaring war against the state of Missouri.
This is a top priority and the Kansas City Chiefs are a prime target using NBC if needed.
We are declaring war against the state of Missouri. Kill them all let God sort them out.
here comes Ogre and Grok. China has the drones to shoot down all the B2s as they launch. Stockpile Spinich.
Information on case number 23BT-PR00264 – ROBERT C. CREUTZ DECEASED has been added or updated. Please see the details below:

Docket Entries that have been made or updated on this case.
Filing Date Description Text * Last Activity Date
1/16/25 1:49 PM Hrng Claim Against Estat Held Case called. Successor Personal Rep appears in person with Counsel Parks. Counsel Rowland appears in person for claimant. Claim subjected on the record and granted.-JHS 1/16/25 2:08 PM
1/16/25 2:09 PM Order Allowing Claim Claim of Mo HealthNet granted.-JHS 1/16/25 2:09 PM

Gavin Newsome will make sure it happens if he wants continued use of the Stargate. See you in Hell.
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby choppergirl » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:07 pm

I actually knew a guy online, who was building a full sized Me 163 Komet. I use to gravitate to absolute aviation freaks, being kind of an outcast myself.

He was building it as a glider only though, no rocket engine, and I vaguely recall he was putting a propeller engine on the front, though I could be wrong.
I wonder if he ever finished it.


I changed and balanced the front tire on my motorcycle today, since I had one unusually warm day today...
My 21" tire as my Youtube plaque... for a day. Beats the heck out of that plastic crap Youtube gives out...

...we're about to get another Artic blast here...


Just chillaxing in a tree, now what?

Charge for Unwanted Stowaways

Enjoy Some Freckle Girl

So if I'm stuck indoors, I thought maybe it's time to get off my butt finally, now that I can see again, and do some soldering on some quads.

So I'm about to bust out the soldering iron again and inhale some tasty brain rotting lead fumes once the warm days run out this week...
So I can do some flying this spring. Motorcycle + quadcopter = my original fly anywhere, anytime, on the cheap... plan.

Post wouldn't be complete without at least one new Choppergirl Video ;-)
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Re: Choppergirl's Crazy Corner of Coolness

Postby choppergirl » Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:33 am

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