From my crawlspace perspective.
Crazy questions;
If smoke is released in the top third of a thermal, would it "show" the thermal and stay inside?
Are there drones equipped with temperature sensors
that could relay back a separate "differential", to the pilot's "special head set" like a variometer ?
Here's an analogy from my surfboards point of view;
As I easily paddled, not "thrashed", into a wave on my 9' 7" Jacobs, the board which was awkward to "ground handle", seemed to become weightless and as soon as I started carving a turn I could generate speed, I could do, "no paddle take offs" just as easily,
plus I could put all my body weight on the nose and the "heavy" board retained it's weightless feeling and I could still steer, it's almost like the board became invisible.
The board had good mass to it, and was shaped to maximize these quality's.
Everybody knew exactly who we were when we were driving. Same same for Hang Gliders.
A badge of honor. (that PG could never have}
Hmm....isn't a Hang Glider Wing the exact same thing,
and was developed
to "surf" the sky and just carve long turns and "run the nose", and then be stored on top.
That's where the fun is at.
it becomes weightless at the moment it is launched, but has good mass to allow it to go fast or slow with equal control.
In My mind I see the 1980 shape and mass of those hang gliders as the epidemy of a "performance glider".
Here's an adage that might apply;
A nose heavy air'plane' is
hard to fly but a tail heavy airplane,
flies once.
1972-1980, 8 years at low dollars, and Lloyds of London,
but maximum efficiency and pure fun.

(which is key).
Soaring is soaring but,
these strong hand made gliders also had the ability to do "dead stick" slow landings (even in trees) with precision.
Being able to always fly your aircraft, 'ALL' the way to a crash landing is a learned trait that HG has developed. bottom line, "Aircraft".
1980-2022, 44 years at high dollars with only small increases in performance but big increases in,
"here's your next performance glider to buy", (from just a few and which are harder to land).
or "here is a great club that you can join for just a few dollars".

2022 onward;
Maybe high tek additions to existing hang gliders (topless excluded)
which make them easier to land on a dime.
couldn't the battens and spoilers (David Cronk used them early) be made to be "electronically controllable"?
couldn't the "pilot pod" have a usable tail like a Hawk?
Sky divers have a fun "wind machine" to train new pilots in, HG could develop a better one that was way more fun, and portable.
I think being able to land in a small space is PG's big advantage but at great cost as to penetrating speed, and then the asymmetrical stall.
Packable or not, the mass and shape of the wing, like the Longboard, makes it cool.