US Hawks Hang Gliding Association

Dealing with Forum Spam
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Author:  Bob Kuczewski [ Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Dealing with Forum Spam

Forum spam has been an ongoing problem...

I've tried to keep the authentication easy for new members by using low thresholds for visual verification. But it appears that many automated systems can break those low thresholds, so we've had a lot of forum spam. I generally move all forum spam to this topic as an archive of what has come in. It also provides a list of products to be boycotted for their abusive practices.

If you feel your post was moved here and it is NOT forum spam, then please post either here or in the New Users Forum explaining why you think your post should not be classified as forum spam.


Author:  Bob Kuczewski [ Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dealing with Forum Spam

The new anti-spam measures have been working pretty well. But we were still left with 422 topics and 641 posts in the "Forum Spam" subforum which had accumulated before these new measures were in place. Most of these posts and topics were for Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Clomid, Propecia, Amoxil, online gambling, and pornography.

So today (July 20th, 2011) I cleaned out the spam posts and topics from this subforum. If anyone would like a particular topic or post restored, please let me know. I have it all backed up.

Bob Kuczewski

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